This April, FRS Clipper will celebrate Earth Month by contributing a portion of the profits from our galley sales to two Pacific Northwest conservation organizations: the Washington-based Mid Sound Fisheries Enhancement Group, which drives community-powered salmon habitat restoration, and the British Columbia-based Pacific Wild organization, which supports the protection of ecosystems to sustain biodiversity throughout the Great Bear Rainforest & Pacific Northwest through public awareness campaigns, research, advocacy, and through our visually based storytelling.

Healthy shorelines are crucial to healthy salmon habitat, so on March 13, 2024 Clipper team members donated time to removing invasive plants from the shore of the Green River, and reintroducing native flora. Learn more about volunteer opportunities.

FRS Clipper’s year-round conservation efforts include participation in Green Marine, a voluntary environmental certification program that addresses key environmental issues through 12 performance indicators including greenhouse gases, air emissions, spill prevention, waste management, environmental leadership, and community impacts. We are also a proud member of the Pacific Whale Watch Association (PWWA), a community of ecotourism professionals who promote conservation and responsible wildlife viewing.


Friends of Pacifc Wild